Meet Our Founder
Welcome to MoveSmarter! My name is Michael Pulverenti. I am a prospective sociologist and physical therapist, athlete, and advocate for sports injury prevention — especially for athletes in underserved communities. Growing up playing football and baseball, I have experienced the highs of competition and the challenges of injuries firsthand. As my teammates and I pushed our bodies to new limits, I often saw how easily improper exercise techniques could lead to setbacks. I also noticed how difficult it was for some athletes to access the resources that they needed to stay healthy. I therefore launched MoveSmarter to address these challenges.
Laying MoveSmarter’s Foundation
While forging MoveSmarter, I drew upon the knowledge that I acquired from interning with a physical therapist. I learned about the importance of proper injury prevention strategies that extend beyond merely stretching. I also realized that many athletes are severely jeopardized by this issue — especially those from marginalized backgrounds or with limited resources. This disparity inspired me to provide injury prevention tools to those who need it most.
Through MoveSmarter, I am working to create a platform that provides sociologically-informed injury prevention techniques and community outreach for underserved athletes. Our workshops, video resources, published research, and mentorship programs offer effective exercise guidance to benefit every athlete.
Looking Ahead
I am excited to continue building MoveSmarter and expanding its reach to support athletes across the country. My hope is that MoveSmarter will help create a sports culture where every athlete has the opportunity to stay safe. Thank you for being a part of this journey. Together, we can empower athletes everywhere to move smarter.